Alex Carrick’s Blog

Driven to Write — Enjoy the Ride — Share the Journey

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Entries Tagged as 'Irony'

If Porcupines Had Wings, No Balloon Would be Safe

October 26th, 2013 · 1 Comment · American Humor, Amusing, Anthropomorphic, Bad Taste, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Charming, Cute, Family Humor, Farce, Feel Good, Funny Animal, Funny Irony, Funny Parable, General Humor, Heartwarming, Human Nature, Irony, Jokes, Oddball, Offbeat, Outrageous, Puns, Romp, Sardonic, Satire, Screwball, Silly, Surprise Twists, Surrealism, Whimsy, Witty, Zany

In the political debates leading up to, during and following the recent government shutdown in Washington, a lot of “what ifs” were thrown around by some of the participants. This led me to consider some intriguing what-ifs that might be proposed for the animal kingdom. Here are a dozen or so. Keep in mind it’s […]



“Two Scoops” Is Just Right – Now Available!

January 17th, 2013 · Comments Off on “Two Scoops” Is Just Right – Now Available! · Allegory or Fairy Tale, American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Children and Pets, Cottage Life, Cute, Economic Humor, Family Humor, Fantasy, Funny Dog, Funny Family, Funny Irony, Funny Rant, Funny Workplace, General Humor, General Interest, Heartwarming, Human Nature, Irony, Jokes, Lifestyle, Love, Mystery, Nostalgia, Not As It Seems, Oddball, Offbeat, Paranormal, Religious allegory, Romance, School Days, Science Fiction, Screwball, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Surprise Twists, Time Travel, Whimsy, Witty, Zany

A collection of some of the stories appearing on this blog site. Mr. Carrick’s entertaining books are perfect for when you want to relax. They are also spot-on gifts for almost any occasion. To order “Two Scoops” Is Just Right for Kindle from Amazon,  please click here. “Three Scoops” Is A Blast! can be obtained by pressing  here. “Four Scoops” […]



The Whipper Snapper Side-Swipe Caper

February 25th, 2012 · 1 Comment · American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Corruption, Economic Humor, Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Farce, Funny Aging, Funny Banter, Funny Canada, Funny Character Study, Funny Competition, Funny Corruption, Funny Gotcha, Funny Government, Funny Larceny, Funny Romance, Funny Scandal, Funny Science Fiction, Human Nature, Irony, Literary, Love, Macabre, Nostalgia, Not As It Seems, Oddball, Offbeat, Parable, Political Humor, Politicians, Romp, Satire, Scandal, Science Fiction, Screwball, Surprise Twists, Time Travel, Whimsy

“What’s $100,000?” she asked flippantly. “It’s $95,000 more than I’ve got,” was his answer. She was starting to drive him crazy. She had two pre-occupations, money and her research. On neither score, was she in any way practical. They’d been living together in a basement apartment for seven months while attending Queen’s University in Kingston, […]



Nostra and Damus

January 2nd, 2012 · 3 Comments · Allegory or Fairy Tale, Charming, Clash of the Sexes, Corruption, Fairy Tale, Family, Family Tragedy, Feel Good, Funny Paranormal, Heartwarming, Human Nature, Imagery, Irony, Literary, Longing, Love, Lyrical, Macabre, Medieval, Monster, Mood, Murder, Murder Mystery, Mystery, Not As It Seems, Oddball, Offbeat, Prose Poetry, Religion, Romance, Screwball, Storytelling, Supernatural, Surprise Twists, Sweet, Twisted, Wedding, Whimsy

Beginnings oft times are brutal. Unfortunately, so are endings. In between is mostly a race. A mad dash to grow up, acquire knowledge and earn a living, whether honestly or not. Events spin out of control. The passing show’s a blur. On the final leg, if we’re lucky and fate hasn’t already intervened, we race […]



Foil’s Forsaken Folio

December 18th, 2011 · Comments Off on Foil’s Forsaken Folio · Academics, Allegory or Fairy Tale, American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Clash of the Sexes, Coming of Age, Fairy Tale, Family Humor, Family Tragedy, Fantasy, Funny Horror, Funny Murder, General Humor, General Interest, Horror, Human Nature, Irony, Jokes, Lifestyle, Literary, Macabre, Monster, Murder, Murder Mystery, Not As It Seems, Oddball, Offbeat, Parable, Romance, Sardonic, Satire, School Days, Screwball, Sexual Innuendo, Storytelling, Surprise Twists, Twisted, Whimsy, Zany

There once lived a king who loved the theater. His taste crossed all genres – romances, sophisticated comedies, broad farces and stomach-churning tragedies. He particularly liked historical pieces that featured his ancestors. Watching his predecessors parade around in crowns and tiaras while engaging in outrageous behavior was a self-centered delight. The royals’ peccadilloes were well […]



The Grief Machine

November 12th, 2011 · 3 Comments · Allegory or Fairy Tale, American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Charming, Children and Pets, Clash of the Sexes, Cop Humor, Cute, Fairy Tale, Family Humor, Fantasy, Feel Good, Funny Dog, Funny Family, Funny Science Fiction, Funny Technology, Funny Workplace, General Humor, General Interest, Human Nature, Imagery, Irony, Jokes, Lifestyle, Not As It Seems, Oddball, Offbeat, Outrageous, Parable, Religious allegory, Romance, Sardonic, Satire, Science Fiction, Screwball, Seduction, Slice of Life, Surprise Twists, Twisted, Whimsy, Witty, Workplace, Zany

XaniaXYM-529’s attention was glued to one of thousands of monitors hooked up to the enormous rumbling machine that was focused on the planet a considerable distance away. He was luxuriating onboard his species’ most modern space station. From earth, the craft was hidden in the flotsam that made up Saturn’s ring. The giant device at […]



Anheuser-Busch the Budgie (Suggestions to Lower Washington’s Debt)

July 21st, 2011 · 3 Comments · Advertising, American Humor, Armed Forces Lifestyle, British Humour, Canada Humor, Corruption, Cute, Difficult Decisions, Economics, Funny Corruption, Funny Economy, Funny Government, Funny Politics, Funny Rant, Funny Scandal, Funny Washington, General Humor, General Interest, Human Nature, Irony, Jokes, Military Life, Oddball, Offbeat, Outrageous, Political Humor, Politicians, Puns, Rant, Sardonic, Satire, Scandal, Screwball, Silly, Twisted, U.S. Social Commentary, Vice, Whimsy, Witty, Zany

Washington has a huge debt problem and the Democrats, Republicans and Tea Party can’t agree on which comes first, increase taxes or lower spending. Here are some innovative answers I’ve come up with, combining both approaches and some “outside the box” ideas, to break the impasse. (1) Privatize the issuing of birth certificates to Donald […]



Donna and I Go Hollywood

July 4th, 2010 · 29 Comments · American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Charming, Clash of the Sexes, Cute, Drama, Family Humor, Farce, Funny Dialogue Story, Funny Family, Funny Husband & Wife Story, Funny Husband and Wife Banter, Funny Script, Funny Sitcom, Funny Writing Story, Human Nature, Irony, Jokes, Lifestyle, Literary, Movies, Offbeat, Puns, Romance, Satire, Screwball, Sexual Innuendo, Silly, Surprise Twists, Video Script, Whimsy, Witty

Since video book trailers are now all the rage, the following is the script for the first foray into the field by Donna and myself. This is a little self-serving, no doubt about it, plus there is some catharsis. The camera starts rolling. ALEX: Hi everyone, my name is Alex Carrick and I’m here to tell […]



The Personal Injury Attorneys to the Stars

February 20th, 2010 · 6 Comments · Advertising, American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Economic Humor, Economics, Farce, Funny Advertising, Funny Irony, Funny Larceny, Funny Sports, Funny Winter, General Humor, General Interest, Human Nature, Irony, Jokes, Lifestyle, Medical Humor, Not As It Seems, Offbeat, Romp, Satire, Screwball, Sports and Recreation, Surprise Twists, Technology Advances, Whimsy, Winter Olympics, Zany

Tracy Tindale was at her wits end. This was the Olympics in which she was supposed to shine. Instead, she was struggling again. While most of the problem was mental, it wasn’t all her fault. In fact, her condition had recently been given a name. It was going down in the medical books as a […]



Floaty Boat Weekend

July 8th, 2009 · Comments Off on Floaty Boat Weekend · American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Children and Pets, Clash of the Sexes, Cottage Life, Cute, Family, Family Humor, Farce, Funny Absurd, Funny Animal, Funny Cottage, Funny Family, Funny Friends, Funny Generation Gap, Funny Husband & Wife Story, Funny Irony, Funny Rant, Funny Writing Story, Human Nature, Irony, Jokes, Lifestyle, Oddball, Offbeat, Rant, Screwball, Slice of Life, Sweet, Whimsy, Witty, Zany

The weekend started off badly for me when Donna, my wife, announced she had purchased a couple of inflatable boats to take with us to the cottage. These were to help amuse two friends of Ted, our middle child, that we were bringing with us from Friday night through Sunday.   I hate rafts. They are […]

