Alex Carrick’s Blog

Driven to Write — Enjoy the Ride — Share the Journey

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The Whipper Snapper Side-Swipe Caper

February 25th, 2012 · 1 Comment · American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Corruption, Economic Humor, Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Farce, Funny Aging, Funny Banter, Funny Canada, Funny Character Study, Funny Competition, Funny Corruption, Funny Gotcha, Funny Government, Funny Larceny, Funny Romance, Funny Scandal, Funny Science Fiction, Human Nature, Irony, Literary, Love, Macabre, Nostalgia, Not As It Seems, Oddball, Offbeat, Parable, Political Humor, Politicians, Romp, Satire, Scandal, Science Fiction, Screwball, Surprise Twists, Time Travel, Whimsy

“What’s $100,000?” she asked flippantly. “It’s $95,000 more than I’ve got,” was his answer. She was starting to drive him crazy. She had two pre-occupations, money and her research. On neither score, was she in any way practical. They’d been living together in a basement apartment for seven months while attending Queen’s University in Kingston, […]



Bullet Proof

November 5th, 2011 · 3 Comments · American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Celebrities, Charming, Funny Gotcha, Human Nature, Lifestyle, Oddball, Offbeat, Politicians, Sardonic, Screwball, Slice of Life, Storytelling, Surprise Twists, Twisted, U.S. Social Commentary, Whimsy, Witty, Zany

An actor, a writer, a politician and a rich dude were sitting on the back portico of the latter’s mansion. They quaffed a non-alcoholic concoction while looking out over an enormous aqua-blue swimming pool and a garden vista that stretched a quarter of a mile before being bracketed by a security-enhanced fence and towering evergreens. […]



Two Men Who Thought They Knew People

February 27th, 2011 · Comments Off on Two Men Who Thought They Knew People · Allegory or Fairy Tale, American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Cop Humor, Crossed Wires, Economic Humor, Funny Government, Funny Horror, Funny Monster, Funny Parable, Funny Politics, Funny Scary, Funny Science Fiction, Geopolitics, Human Nature, Lifestyle, Monster, Not As It Seems, Opinion Piece, Parable, Political Humor, Politicians, Satire, Science Fiction, Slice of Life, Storytelling, Surprise Twists, Technology Advances, Whimsy

The lives of two not-so-different men lay in ruins a week after the affair headlined in the media as either the Peoples’ Rally in the Clouds or Civil Unrest in Make-believe Square. Of course that wasn’t the official name. The event was first advertised under the title, World-wide Freedom Day. Preston Fleshman and Stephan Bossberg […]



At the Intersection of Silly and Sublime

June 2nd, 2010 · 6 Comments · American Humor, Canada Humor, Celebrities, Charming, Construction Humor, Cute, Economic Humor, Family, Family Humor, Funny Rant, General Humor, General Interest, Ghost Story, Human Nature, Jokes, Lifestyle, Monster, Oddball, Offbeat, Outrageous, Political Humor, Politicians, Puns, Rant, Sardonic, Satire, Screwball, Silly, Supernatural, Whimsy, Witty, Zany

Here are sixteen new highly-sophisticated road jokes. (1) Why did all the world’s politicians cross the road? The bridge? The highway? To take credit for the infrastructure work. (2) Why did Jack Bauer cross the road? He finished torturing all the terrorists on this side. (3) Why did Gregory House cross the road? To avoid walking under a ladder, […]



No Problem, Excuse Me and the Limits of Civility

September 18th, 2009 · Comments Off on No Problem, Excuse Me and the Limits of Civility · American Humor, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Celebrities, Family Humor, Funny Celebrity, Funny Editorial, Funny Generation Gap, Funny Rude, Jokes, Lifestyle, Movies, Opinion Piece, Political Humor, Politicians, Sports and Recreation, U.S. Social Commentary

A spate of public rudeness lately has raised the question of how society has come to this sorry pass. Kanye West in the world of hip hop, Serena Williams in tennis and Joe Wilson in Washington’s political hot house all stepped over the traditional bounds of civility in the past week. What are the trends that […]



Reasons to Want to be Governor of the Bank of Canada

May 27th, 2008 · 1 Comment · American Humor, Amusing, British Comedy, British Humour, Canada Humor, Cute, Economic Humor, Family Humor, Farce, Funny Celebrity, Funny Economy, Funny Government, Funny Politics, Offbeat, Outrageous, Political Humor, Romp, Screwball, Silly, Whimsy, Witty, Zany

There are quite a number of reasons it might be “neat” to be the Governor of the Bank of Canada. Here, arranged in no particular order, are the Top 10.   (1) Guv’nor just sounds so great and fits in with this nation’s British heritage.   (2) You always win at Monopoly cause you can just print […]

